Meet GPTutor: A ChatGPT-Powered Programming Tool For Code Explanation Provided As A VSCode Extension

GPT-4: GPTutor, a ChatGPT-powered programming tool, offers comprehensive code explanations as a Visual Studio Code extension.…

Meet SelFee: An Iterative Self-Revising LLM Empowered By Self-Feedback Generation

GPT-4: Researchers from KAIST have developed SelFee, a self-feedback and self-revision language model that improves response…

Say Goodbye to Costly Auto-GPT and LangChain Runs: Meet ReWOO

Say Goodbye to Costly Auto-GPT and LangChain Runs: Meet ReWOO – The Game-Changing Modular Paradigm that…

Betelgeuse is Almost 50% Brighter Than Normal. What’s Going On?

GPT-4: Betelgeuse, a red supergiant star, has brightened by almost 50%, sparking speculation about its potential…

Do You Really Need Reinforcement Learning in RLHF?

Do You Really Need Reinforcement Learning in RLHF? A New Stanford Research Proposes DPO (Direct Preference…

Meta Unveils An AI Model for Code Generation, Comparable to Copilot

GPT-4: Meta has introduced CodeCompose, an advanced AI model designed to assist developers by providing automated…

Multimodal Web Navigation with Instruction-Finetuned Foundation Models

GPT-4: WebGUM, a multimodal agent, leverages vision-language foundation models to improve autonomous web navigation. By jointly…

Guillotine Regularization: Why removing layers is needed to improve…

GPT-4: Guillotine Regularization (GR) is a critical technique in Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) that significantly improves generalization…

Japan Goes All In: Copyright Doesn’t Apply To AI Training

GPT-4: Japan’s government has decided not to enforce copyrights on data used in AI training, aiming…

We know That LLMs Can Use Tools, But Did You Know They Can Also Make New Tools? Meet LLMs As Tool Makers (LATM): A Closed-Loop System Allowing LLMs To Make Their Own Reusable Tools

GPT-4: Researchers from Google Deepmind, Princeton University, and Stanford University have developed a system called LLMs…