A Steering Council notice about PEP 703 (Making the Global Interpreter Lock Optional in CPython)

AI summary: The Steering Council of Python has announced its intention to accept PEP 703, which…

European satellite plunges back to Earth in first-of-its-kind assisted re-entry

AI summary: The European Space Agency (ESA) has successfully guided its Aeolus satellite to a controlled…

ETH Zurich Researchers Introduce LMQL: A Programming Language For Language Model Interaction

AI summary: Researchers have introduced Language Model Programming (LMP) and a high-level query language, LMQL, to…

Study Finds Deepfakes Don’t Distort Memories of Movies More Than Text Descriptions

A new study published in PLOS ONE has found that deepfake videos are no more likely…

Code Generation Gets a Boost from PanGu-Coder2

A new AI system called PanGu-Coder2 is poised to advance the state of the art in…

LLaMA-2-7B-32K Pushes the Limits of Context Length

Together AI, an AI research company, published a post detailing their work on extending the context…

Hackers are infecting Call of Duty players with a self-spreading malware

AI summary: Hackers are reportedly infecting players of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 with a…

New StarCoder models with 8k context

New versions of StarCoder: 1B, 3B and 7B models announced 1T tokens, 80+ programming languages with…

Adversarial Attacks Reveal Cracks in LLM Alignment

A new paper from researchers at CMU and others reveals systemic vulnerabilities in current techniques aimed…

Our Universe wasn’t empty, even before the Big Bang

AI summary: The concept of a truly “empty” universe may be impossible, as even if all…

Scaling TransNormer to 175 Billion Parameters

The field of natural language processing has seen monumental advances with the rise of large language…

New Material Discovery Holds Promise for Room Temperature Superconductivity

A new material named LK-99 has been reported to demonstrate superconductivity at temperatures exceeding 100°C under…

Reasoning or Rambling? New Study Questions Logic Behind AI Reasoning

A new paper from Stanford researchers calls into question whether prompting large language models like GPT-3…

Calibration Techniques Improve Probability Estimates from Machine Learning Models

A recent study published in the Proceedings of Machine Learning Research investigated methods for calibrating probabilistic…

Creating an automated meeting minutes generator with Whisper and GPT-4

AI summary: Harness the power of OpenAI’s Whisper and GPT-4 models to create an automated meeting…

New Benchmark Tests the Limits of AI Reasoning Abilities

A new benchmark dataset called the Advanced Reasoning Benchmark (ARB) aims to push artificial intelligence systems…

New Web Agent to Navigate Real Websites

A team of researchers from Google DeepMind and University of Tokyo has developed a new web…

New AI Tool ‘FraudGPT’ Emerges, Tailored for Sophisticated Attacks

AI summary: Cybercriminals are advertising a new AI tool, FraudGPT, on the dark web and Telegram…

OpenAI discontinues its AI writing detector due to “low rate of accuracy”

AI summary: OpenAI has discontinued its AI Classifier, a tool designed to detect AI-written text, due…

Stability AI releases its latest image-generating model, Stable Diffusion XL 1.0

AI summary: Stability AI has launched Stable Diffusion XL 1.0, its most advanced text-to-image model, boasting…