Improved Baselines for Visual Instruction Tuning Models

Researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Microsoft Research have developed improved baselines for visual instruction…

AI is already helping astronomers make incredible discoveries. Here’s how

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing astronomy by processing vast amounts of data, enhancing image clarity, and…

StreamingLLM shows how one token can keep AI models running smoothly indefinitely

Researchers from Meta, MIT, and CMU have developed a new framework, “StreamingLLM”, to improve the performance…

Even the Worst Version of Claude AI Is Better Than GPT 3.5, Researchers Say

The Large Model Systems Organization’s leaderboard reveals that Anthropic’s Claude AI models outperform OpenAI’s GPT-3.5, the…

GitHub’s Learnings from Building Copilot – An Enterprise LLM Application

GitHub shares insights from the three-year development journey of GitHub Copilot, an AI tool that aids…

Researchers show how easy it is to defeat AI watermarks

Watermarking, a strategy to identify AI-generated images and text, is proving to be unreliable, according to…

Borges and AI: A New Perspective on Language Models

A new paper by researchers Léon Bottou and Bernhard Schölkopf offers a novel perspective on large…

Arc browser’s new AI-powered features combine OpenAI and Anthropic’s models

The Browser Company is launching AI-powered features for its Arc browser, dubbed “Arc Max”. Utilizing OpenAI’s…

ChatGPT Vision lets you submit images in your prompts: 7 wild ways people are using it

OpenAI’s ChatGPT Vision, an AI chatbot with image processing capabilities, is now available to the public.…

Microsoft overhauls OneDrive with a big new design, AI Copilot integration, and more

Microsoft is revamping its OneDrive cloud storage with a Fluent design refresh, AI-powered Copilot system, and…


The OpenOrca dataset has been used to fine-tune the Mistral 7B model, resulting in a high-performing,…

What Is MetaAI? And Can It Compete With Other Chatbots?

Meta has unveiled MetaAI, an AI chatbot that will be integrated into its messaging apps like…

What AI forgets could kill us, but new research is helping it remember

AI systems face a significant issue known as “catastrophic forgetting,” where they forget old information while…

Unauthorized Tom Hanks AI Is Promoting Dental Plans

Tom Hanks has alerted fans to an unauthorized AI version of himself promoting a dental plan.…

Parallel Processing in Prompt Engineering: The Skeleton-of-Thought Technique

The Skeleton-of-Thought (SoT) technique enhances the efficiency of Large Language Models (LLMs) by reducing generation latency.…

Humata AI summarizes and answers questions about your PDFs

Humata AI, an AI platform developed by Cyrus Khajvandi, allows users to ask questions about their…

A New Attack Impacts ChatGPT—and No One Knows How to Stop It

Researchers have discovered a new type of adversarial attack that can manipulate AI language models like…

New Decoding Method Boosts Reasoning in AI Models

Researchers from UC San Diego and Meta AI have developed a new decoding method called Contrastive…

GPT 4 with Vision and DALLE 3 Examples and Use Cases

In this YouTube video, the speaker showcases the impressive capabilities of GPT 4 with vision and…

ChatGPT restrictions: How to bypass them for an uncensored chatbot

AI chatbots like ChatGPT have limitations to prevent copyright infringement, dangerous advice, and misinformation. However, techniques…