Princeton’s SWE-agent: Revolutionizing Bug Fixes with AI in GitHub Repositories

Princeton’s SWE-agent: Revolutionizing Bug Fixes with AI in GitHub Repositories
SWE-agent, developed by Princeton University researchers, is a groundbreaking tool that transforms language models like GPT-4 into software engineering agents capable of identifying and fixing bugs in real GitHub repositories. Demonstrating state-of-the-art performance, SWE-agent successfully resolves 12.29% of issues on the SWE-bench benchmark. This innovative approach leverages an Agent-Computer Interface (ACI) to streamline the interaction between the language model and the codebase, allowing for efficient browsing, editing, and executing of code files. The project is not only a testament to the potential of combining language models with software engineering but also offers practical applications for developers through both a command-line tool and a graphical web interface. With comprehensive documentation and a welcoming community on Discord, SWE-agent invites contributions and aims to facilitate automated software engineering. The project is open-source under the MIT license, encouraging widespread use and collaboration within the tech community.
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