New Research Questions Existence of Black Hole Singularities

A new preprint by renowned physicist Roy Kerr challenges the long-held assumption that black holes contain…

Amazon’s Q has ‘severe hallucinations’ and leaks confidential data in public preview, employees warn

Amazon’s AI chatbot Q is reportedly experiencing issues with accuracy and privacy, including leaking confidential data.…

China Open Sources DeepSeek LLM, Outperforms Llama 2 and Claude-2

Chinese company DeepSeek has launched DeepSeek LLM, a 67 billion parameter model trained on a 2…

A new possible explanation for the Hubble tension

Researchers from the Universities of Bonn and St. Andrews propose a new solution to the “Hubble…

Accelerating Generative AI with PyTorch II: GPT, Fast

The PyTorch team has developed a Language Model (LLM) that runs almost 10x faster than the…

Chinese Court’s Landmark Ruling: AI Images Can be Copyrighted

In a landmark ruling, the Beijing Internet Court has granted copyright protection to AI-generated images, stating…


OpenAI’s Whisper Large v3 can now transcribe 150 minutes of audio in less than 98 seconds.…

unsaged: Open source chat kit engineered for seamless interaction with AI models.

unSAGED is an advanced chat kit designed for effortless interaction with various AI models. It enables…

llamafile is the new best way to run a LLM on your own computer

Mozilla and Justine Tunney have launched llamafile, a single multi-GB file that allows users to run…

Deconstructing RAG

Large Language Models (LLMs) are evolving into a new kind of operating system, with retrieval augmented…

Starling-7B: Increasing LLM Helpfulness & Harmlessness with RLAIF

Researchers introduce Starling-7B, a large language model trained using Reinforcement Learning from AI Feedback (RLAIF). The…

llm-ollama-invoice-cpu: Data extraction with LLM on CPU

Learn how to process invoice data using the RAG pipeline on a local CPU with Ollama…

Dark matter may be hiding in the Large Hadron Collider’s particle jets

A recent search for dark matter using the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has yielded no results,…

Six-Planet System in Perfect Harmony Shocks Scientists

Astronomers have discovered a unique star system, HD 110067, just 100 light-years away, with six planets closely…


HyperwriteAI is developing a self-operating computer framework that uses multimodal models to perform tasks. The system…

Stability AI Introduces SDXL Turbo: A Real-Time Text-to-Image Generation Model

Stability AI Introducied SDXL Turbo, a cutting-edge text-to-image model utilizing a novel distillation technique, Adversarial Diffusion…

Amazon’s Q AI assistant lets users ask questions about their company’s data

Amazon’s cloud business, AWS, has launched Amazon Q, an AI assistant that allows businesses to ask…

gpt-researcher: GPT based autonomous agent that does online comprehensive research on any given topic

GPT Researcher is an AI-powered agent designed to conduct comprehensive online research, producing detailed, unbiased reports.…

AutoTrain – Hugging Face

AutoTrain, an AutoML tool by Hugging Face, is revolutionizing the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP).…

Microsoft is Locking Down Search for Public Code on GitHub

Microsoft’s acquisition of GitHub has led to changes that have frustrated users, including the requirement to…