DeepMind AI outdoes human mathematicians on unsolved problem

Google’s DeepMind has developed an AI system, FunSearch, that uses large language models to generate new…


The Dolphin 2.5 Mixtral 8x7b AI model, sponsored by Convai, excels at coding tasks. The latest…

Ollama 0.1.16 adds Mixtral support

The latest release of Ollama, version v0.1.16, adds support for Mixtral and other models based on…

Mixtral of experts

Mistral AI has released Mixtral 8x7B, a high-quality sparse mixture of experts model (SMoE) that outperforms…

OSS-Instruct gives open-source LLMs a huge boost in coding

Researchers from the University of Illinois and Tsinghua University have developed OSS-Instruct, a technique that uses…

‘A-Team’ of Math Proves a Critical Link Between Addition and Sets | Quanta Magazine

Mathematicians have solved the Polynomial Freiman-Ruzsa Conjecture (PFR), a problem that has puzzled experts for over…

ChatGPT-4V user remade Google’s deceptive Gemini AI demo without editing cheats

Tech enthusiast Greg Technology has recreated Google’s controversial Gemini AI demo using OpenAI’s GPT-4V. The original…

Google’s best Gemini demo was faked | TechCrunch

Google’s Gemini AI model demo video, which showcases the model’s multimodal understanding capabilities, has been revealed…

Google’s Gemini Looks Remarkable, But It’s Still Behind OpenAI

Google, in a bid to outpace OpenAI, has unveiled Gemini, a new AI model capable of…

Apple joins AI fray with release of model framework

Apple has released MLX, a machine learning framework, and MLX Data, a deep learning model library,…

Mojo Combines Python’s Ease with Performance of C++, Rust

Modular has developed a new programming language, Mojo, that combines Python’s ease of use with the…

Microsoft upgrades Copilot with OpenAI’s GPT-4 Turbo and DALL-E 3

Microsoft’s Copilot AI chatbot is set to integrate with OpenAI’s GPT-4 Turbo and DALL-E 3, enhancing…

PsFree – Webkit exploit for PS4 6.00 to 9.60 and PS5 1.00 to 5.50 + QuickHEN toolkit announced –

Developer CelesteBlue has announced PsFree, a new Webkit exploit for PS4 and PS5, based on CVE-2022-22620.…

ChatGPT is winning the future — but what future is that?

ChatGPT, launched by OpenAI a year ago, has become the fastest-growing consumer technology in history, impacting…

New theory claims to unite Einstein’s gravity with quantum mechanics

UCL physicists have proposed a groundbreaking theory that reconciles gravity and quantum mechanics, preserving Einstein’s classical…

ChatGPT will provide more detailed and accurate responses if you pretend to tip it, according to a new study

A recent study reveals that AI chatbot, ChatGPT, provides more detailed responses when users pretend to…

LangChain, LangSmith & LLM Guided Tree-of-Thought

The Tree-of-Thought (ToT) technique significantly improves the success rate of solving Sudoku puzzles using language models.…

OpenCopilot: 🤖 🔥 AI Copilot for your own SaaS product. Shopify Sidekick alternative.

OpenCopilot is a new tool that allows businesses to integrate an AI copilot into their products.…

unsloth: 5X faster 50% less memory LLM finetuning

Unsloth, a new technology, offers 80% faster and 50% less memory-consuming local QLoRA finetuning. It uses…

MathCoders: Enhancing Mathematical Reasoning of Open-Source Language Models

A group of researchers from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, and…