
Preemo is developing an open-source text generation inference server, a fork of Hugging Face’s original project…

LLaMA2-Accessory: An Open-source Toolkit for LLM Development

LLaMA2-Accessory is an open-source toolkit designed for the development of Large Language Models (LLMs) and multimodal…

New StarCoder models with 8k context

New versions of StarCoder: 1B, 3B and 7B models announced 1T tokens, 80+ programming languages with…

Creating an automated meeting minutes generator with Whisper and GPT-4

AI summary: Harness the power of OpenAI’s Whisper and GPT-4 models to create an automated meeting…

New AI Tool ‘FraudGPT’ Emerges, Tailored for Sophisticated Attacks

AI summary: Cybercriminals are advertising a new AI tool, FraudGPT, on the dark web and Telegram…

Stability AI releases its latest image-generating model, Stable Diffusion XL 1.0

AI summary: Stability AI has launched Stable Diffusion XL 1.0, its most advanced text-to-image model, boasting…

BTLM-3B-8K: Performance in a 3 Billion Parameter Model

A new language model called BTLM-3B-8K has achieved state-of-the-art accuracy among 3 billion parameter models, rivaling…


AI summary: The Nous-Hermes-Llama2-13b, a state-of-the-art language model, has been fine-tuned on over 300,000 instructions for…

Meet FreeWilly, Our Large And Mighty Instruction Fine-Tuned Models — Stability AI

AI summary: Stability AI introduces FreeWilly1 and FreeWilly2, open access Large Language Models (LLMs) with exceptional…

Announcing MPT-7B-8K: 8K Context Length for Document Understanding

AI summary: The MPT-7B-8K, a 7B parameter open-source language learning model (LLM) with an 8k context…

curated-transformers: 🤖 A PyTorch library

AI summary: Curated Transformers is a new PyTorch library offering state-of-the-art transformer models built from reusable…

torchscale: Transformers at any scale

AI summary: Microsoft has released TorchScale, a PyTorch library that enables developers and researchers to scale…

GitHub – mshumer/gpt-prompt-engineer

AI summary: The `gpt-prompt-engineer` is a revolutionary tool that generates, tests, and ranks AI prompts for…

InterCode – interactive coding with execution feedback

AI summary: InterCode introduces a new standard for interactive coding with execution feedback, aiming to enhance…

GitHub – imoneoi/openchat: OpenChat: Less is More for Open-source Models

AI summary: First model to beat ChatGPT. OpenChat, a series of open-source language models, has been…

The Huge Power and Potential Danger of AI-Generated Code

AI summary: GitHub’s AI coding tool, Copilot, is transforming the coding landscape, with a report showing…

GitHub – salesforce/PyRCA: PyRCA: A Python Machine Learning Library for Root Cause Analysis

GPT-4: PyRCA is a Python machine-learning library designed to facilitate root cause analysis (RCA) in multi-service…

The Curious Case of LLM Evaluations

GPT-4: Evaluating coding tasks using language models like GPT-4 may not be as accurate as expected,…

GitHub – vllm-project/vllm: A high-throughput and memory-efficient inference and serving engine for LLMs

GPT-4: Introducing vLLM, a fast and easy-to-use library for LLM inference and serving, offering state-of-the-art serving…

GitHub – mshumer/gpt-author

GPT-4: Discover the power of AI-generated fantasy novels with GPT-Author, a project that combines GPT-4 and…